ESR 9: RRM-RNA biochip

RRM-RNA biochip

Project: Create biochips to study RRM/RNA interactions.

This project aims the on-chip immobilization of RNA recognition motifs (RRM) for interaction analysis with RNA-binding proteins. These experiments will provide detailed insights into the allosteric modulation of RRM-protein interactions and will additionally provide information on the size and conformation of the protein-RNA complexes. The experimental data will provide the constraints for structure -based modelling of RRM-protein interactions. This project involves a four-month secondment at CNRS (CR CNRS, LORIA), to learn about structure-based modelling approaches.


H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 813239 (Jan. 1, 19-Dec. 31, 23)
RNAct - Enabling proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics